Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let my words of my mouth be........

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Words...How many times have we heard the Pastor, Evangelist, Pastors wife or Bible study teacher give us a word from God on our words and the conversations that comes out of our mouth?  How many times have we dismissed what we are saying and found ways to  justify why  we are "venting" or because we need to just get things off our chest.....How many times do we share things we should have never have spoken because it was spoken to us in confidence?  Are any of us not guilty of doing this?  How many of us have hurt someone with our words or conversation?  I think anyone reading this will agree at some point in our life we have let someone down and broken that trust that was given to us when they bared their heart and soul...maybe it was fleeting thoughts that was shared...maybe something they were struggling.  " Oh its ok if I share this with so and so because I know they are close and will not mind".  How many of us have done this.   I will admit I am guilty.   I have done this and I have hurt others because of my mouth...because I did not bridle my tongue.   Because I let my mouth do the talking....I was like a babbling brook just running my mouth with chatter and without thought or sensitivity and not stopping to think of the consequences of my words or conversations...See the words and conversations they will have an effect on others...first the person I am telling things too...and the one the conversation is about.  I will tell you God has and is dealing with me on these things!  I have wept and I have cried and repented.  I do not want to be a babbling brook that just runs...I want to be a fountain of life!  I do not want to kill anyone with my words or be a part of any conversation that is not uplifting someone or encouraging. If someone comes to me they need to know they can trust me......Oh how  I pray that my words are acceptable in the sight of God!!!  We say things and think no one will ever know I have said this or shared this...but we do serve a all knowing God who knows all, sees all and hears all...He is in everyplace, every conversation and everything we do.  But we serve a merciful God who will give us warnings..first warning is the conviction we feel in our hearts or maybe he will allow the Pastor  on Sunday to give us a word about our conversations and what is coming out of our mouths..God will remind us of what His word says about what He says is acceptable words and conversation...yet we casually brush it off....we will still find ways of justifying what we are saying...If you are still reading this...and are still with me....Let me remind you of what God has reminded me....there is no justification for gossip...there is never ever a justification for our wrongs....if continue to ignore what God has told us He will let us reap the consequences of our choices and behavior.  We will reap what we have sown.  I know this first hand!  Maybe it will be the loss of a friendship you hold dear to your heart...maybe its the respect and trust of the people you are trying to reach....but if we have the right spirit...we repent and let God put us in the fiery furnace....let him purge from us the spirit of gossip or negative thinking..If we allow him to  purge us form whatever it is that has a hold of us and allow Him to do a work...He will renew us He will show us what is hidden in our hearts.  But are we are willing to commit ourselves fully to Him and Say ok God no matter the cost...no matter how embarrassing it maybe for me... no matter what it takes God cleanse me!!!!!!   In order to have what comes out of mouth controlled by God, My life must be controlled by God.  I must allow Him to fill me completely in every part of my heart! Not just a small corner of my heart...but my whole heart!   I am  His and He wants me(us) to radiate Him!  When?  Continually...at all times!  He wants and needs to be the God in not just me but in all of us, He wants a  vital, deep, consuming place in our lives!  Not just a little but all!  "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"(Matthew 12:34)  What is in our hearts?  Search me oh Lord...show me oh God what is in my heart....then Lord cleanse me!!!!!  I want to speak life not death...I want to uplift someone not bring them down...I want to encourage others to go deeper in you Lord not further.  With God's help I will be a fountain of life to someone...they will feel refreshed, encouraged and uplifted! Why not because of me but Because of God!!!!  He has control....He is what is in my heart...He will be the one speaking through me......... "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, My Rock and my Redeemer"(Psalm 19:14)

Lord, teach me what it means to have the mouth of the righteous. I want my tongue and my words to bring you glory all the days of my life!  

And with all that is written...I am thankful for His abundance of mercy...His forgiveness...and for the blood that covers all my sins!  I am thankful to know that His mercy and grace are with me...and that there is nothing He will not forgive me for....and there is never a time He will ever leave me or forsake me......

God bless!!!  And be a fountain of Life today!!!!!  Bring someone a word of encouragement.....and let the God of Glory minister through you today!!!

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