Still need works...but are we not all a work in progress |
Over the last few days I have stood and I have waited...In the Heat with sweat pouring off of me. I was waiting for an opportunity to present its self..... but after standing and waiting for hours,days....and hundreds of shots later I learned I had done everything wrong....This happened over and over and over. Each time I had to wait a little longer, be still a little longer and watch even longer. I really thought I had everything just right only to realize I had to go back to the drawing board and start all over again. In my waiting I started to get distracted...and....I miss the opportunity that was presented to me. So many times in life this happens....we seek God for a specific thing and we wait and it seems the answers and not coming...we become distracted, impatient or make decisions out of our emotions or frustrations. So many times we want something and we say we are waiting upon the Lord...we are waiting for the confirmation of what His direction is and we blow it.I had to wait hours and days standing in the South Georgia heat with sweat pouring from me to just get a shot of a humming bird. I waited for an entire hour just for a chance to get a shot. In this time of waiting and being still I really felt God speak to my spirit.....We have to endure sometimes unbearable conditions and situations but if we are willing to wait for God to move He will move in ways we cannot even begin to Phaethon or understand. We must learn that sometimes we may have to wait not just a day or a week...but we may have to wait for months even years before we understand what it is God is wanting us to know. Are you willing to wait upon the Lord? Are you willing to stand and endure the uncomfortable conditions and situations for God to move on your behalf? Perhaps God was answering us but we were so distracted in what we wanted or what we thought that we missed Him completely...maybe what would have been a few weeks turned in a few years simply because we refused to wait upon Him. How many times have we made the will of God for our lives rather then letting God reveal His plan to us. I got that T-shirt I don't know about you. All of this from standing in the Hot South Georgia heat with the Gnats and fire ants to get a picture of a humming bird that is extremely camera shy. In all this waiting, being still and watching I learned a couple things....1) Where the hiding places were....the places the bird would retreat to...2) How intensely he watched me 3) That every time I thought I had something mastered I was shown how very wrong I was....I had to reset and make changes to my settings. I must learn where those hiding places are in God.....I must accept that He fully loves me and watches my every move,...I have to learn to reset my settings in life to God's settings....Whatever His will is for my life I must adjust and reset for whatever it is that Gods settings are for my life. I also understand that I will have to reset and adjust many times over the span of my life. Lord let me be moldable to your settings....Not my will but your will oh God.
The hiding place. near the top of a pine tree |
perfect opportunity but wrong settings |
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