Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's a New Day!!!!

It's a new day!!  I am so thankful to God this morning....He woke me up this morning at 4:42......and I am so glad he did!   I have prayed this morning and I can't stop thinking of how very blessed I am.   I am given another chance...another opportunities are endless....the sky is the limit on what this day and other days hold.  I keep thinking about what so many people are going through right now at this very moment....I have a friend Jennifer she is recovering from have cancer....she was pregnant when she was given the news that she had cancer....they wanted her to abort the baby....she refused...and she had to fight every step of the way for that baby and her!  She is one of the most upbeat people you want to meet!  Such in inspiration!  Her life has not been a bed of roses but when you meet her she always has a smile and laughing.....she inspires me in so many ways!  Oh and you should see that baby....she is beautiful!    Oh and I may mention that she is cancer free!!!  Praise God!  She is taking a few rounds of radiation but should be done with that soon!  Then there is Amy....such a beautiful women of God...she expecting baby number 10....and battling a few things in her body!   She too is upbeat...does not complain when the rheumatoid arthritis flares up.....not many people can handle having one child let alone 9.....she is one of those that can.....her and husband make such a fantastic team!  Still I pray for her....I pray that by His stripes she is brother is battling lupus and Rheumatoid I write this the tears are coming.  My brother who I am the same age with for 11 days in December is now crippled looking...he has to walk with a cane...and some days cannot even get out of the my heart aches for him.    How my heart aches.   My dear friend Diane Sistrunk....just lost her about a wonderful man of kind and full of love!  Now she is without him....she is raising there beautiful little girl that God blessed them my heart aches for her.....but she is strong...she knows God in a way most may never understand...God is her strength and strong tower...He is her provider!  There is nothing she will have to want for....for she is blessed and highly favored!  I do wish I could see her and hug her neck...give her my love but I can't so I pray....and I am sure prayer is what she needs more then ever right now. I have so many others on my heart this morning.....but today is a new day...I can start something I can try and can open the curtains and welcome this new day this new wonderful day in with all its glories it brings.   I can chose this day to see things in a positive light to not dwell in the only move forward....take all my mistakes and short comings and apply what I have learned.   I can allow God to use those things to help propel me further in kingdom!  I don't have to be who or what I was yesterday!!!  Today I chose life....I chose to live in a way a didn't live yesterday.....I chose today to be cherish more to love more.   I pray not to take for granted one moment of this wonderful life I have been blessed with....but I pray to use it for His glory.....I can hear Brother Sistrunk shouting and rejoicing.....he has made it to a place we are all striving to go.....he has a new prayers are with my dear sister in Christ as she continues to do the work God has called her to do with out her soul mate and best friend.    I will continue to pray for Amy and healing in her body...and for my brother.   I don't always understand  they why's of life but I have learned to trust.   I pray that today who ever reads this blog will just take today and look at it as the gift that it extra kindness...take a moment to just slow down and find God in the moment of right now....slow down and just let the sun shine on your face....find the beauty in this moment....listen a little longer to the bird singing his song....laugh harder and love deeper today then you did yesterday.   Do something special for the kids....let them be little one more day God....let me hug them a little tighter....God teach me to slow down and not always be in such a rush I miss the little blessings you have for me...your gifts.   Teach me your ways today oh God! is a new day....if you can.... live it!   Cherish it.....for none of us are promised tomorrow.....but we have today!!!!!   Blessings!