Upon opening my curtains this morning what do I see? Sunflowers....my blessings.....my gift. They are blooming and they remind me of sunshine.....I didn't even plant these little blessings of joy.....Whenever I am having a moment during the day....I just take a second .....look out the window and stare at the sunflowers that were planted for me....and I smile:) For God knew that they would bring joy to me.....How awesome is that! Its in the little things.....the things we don't even stop to think about. God is speaking to us. Are we listening? How can we get so busy and in such a hurry that we miss God? Is that bird singing out my window God's way of singing me a song this morning? OH the little things we miss.....how many times have we missed the little love notes he has left for us? How many times has He wanted to use us and we were to busy or in hurry to even be used. How many times have we walked by and missed our blessing? How many times have we missed the will of God for our lives.....because we did not slow down and seek Him? I pray daily for God to slow me down...I pray not to treat life as if it were an emergency....I try to slowly chew and digest each day....I don't want to wake up one day and realize I have hurried my life away. I want to savior each day and look for the ways He is speaking to me. I want all that He has for me.....not just the crumbs of life I have been allowing myself to have but all of the fullness and blessings. I don't want to miss one more second on things that don't matter! Oh the things I have put before God and my family....I cannot ever get those lost moments back....but today...it's a new day....and today I am slowing down more....going to enjoy the gift of life and the blessings He has for me! I am going to sit longer and talk slower.....I am going to let the seconds turn into minutes... just sit and enjoy the calm...the peace and wait for the that small still voice I know so well. I am going to enjoy the laughter and moments of life I have right now.....I am not going to worry about tomorrow or the I should have moments....but enjoy the here and now....this day..........
"He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;"Psalm 46:10