Unplugging to Desire
I was driving the other day....and this thought came to mind....Do we really hear God? We seem to be so consumed any more with technology and life...do we really slow down and unplug enough to hear the voice of God? If we are driving we are on our cell phones, listening to music or the kids have a DVD playing.....now mind you this is just in the car....what about at home? At home we have even more distractions, TV, Computers, Facebook, telephones etc.....so when are we hearing the voice of God? When are we making the time to hear the voice of God? I have really been thinking about this and I have begun to unplug from things I would normally be plugged into. I have been making an extra effort to not just unplug but to also slow down life...Slowing down is something I have been working on for a while now and the blessings from that alone have been wonderful....I am also unplugging from TV before bed..... I would find myself just aimlessly flipping through the channels...and there would be nothing on....and I would ask myself why do I do this? There is nothing on worth watching and I waste my time every night by doing this....so the other night I just picked up a book that was near my bed and began to read....and Oh what a blessing! The book is called E.M. Bounds on Prayer. It is fantastic! But talk about conviction yikes! This man died in 1913 and upon reading this I thought he was talking about Christians of today. The passion he has for prayer and God is simply amazing! The one chapter that has touched me is the one about Prayer and Desire. How we must desire prayer and have a passion for it. It is in this place in prayer that we will see results! I know with this desire in prayer I will hear the voice of God and know the things He has for me without question. I am so thankful that I have started to "unplug" from the things that were keeping from hearing God. Its not easy!!!! Habits are hard to break but I know that the end result will be worth it and only be a positive in my life. I want to desire the things of God more then things of this world....I want to go deeper in His word and have a deeper relationship with Him more then anything!!!! The only way I will be able to go to the deeper in God is by plugging into Him. Prayer...something I must plug into daily for deeper desire and deeper places in Him.
Desire-1. to wish or long for; crave; want.
2. to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request
3. a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment
4. an expressed wish; request
"without desire, there is no burden of the soul,no sense of need,no enthusiasm, no vision, no strength, and no glow of faith. There is no strong pressure, no holding on to God with a deathless, despairing grasp-"I will not let thee go, except thou bless me"(Gen.32:26) E.M. Bounds on Prayer pg 132
He is bringing many back to the basic of prayer. A mighty work is about to take place and we have to be prayed up, and plugged in to the things of God if we are going to be a force against the enemy.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see what God is going to do!!!!! Joshua just reminded me about this...P.U.S.H. Pray until something happens:) Love the wisdom in children....